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About Our Market

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Like everyone, we grew up with grand plans for our future. Remember when you were young and the teacher asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up and you confidently answered that you wanted to be an Engineer, Doctor, Managing Director, Lawyer, Pilot, etc? Well, that was us too and to some extent, we are still striving to achieve those things. We worked hard in school and did everything we needed to give ourselves a better chance in the job market but unfortunately, life happened. We found ourselves broke, in our mid-30s with no professional experience, no employment prospects, without the right connections, and our degrees collecting dust.


What could we do?


Well, we are still the same people, still hard-working, still determined, and still full of hope, dreams, and goals. We knew we all had a deep love and appreciation for food but looking around we realized that we were surrounded by an abundance of underutilized and unappreciated food. So, we started experimenting with recipes both old & new. We found that there was an opportunity to share these great traditional recipes for ifisashi/ndiyo zantwilo with every one and this made us realize there was potential to do something great.


So, who are we? 


We are three girls who wish to inspire others to embrace their heritage through food. We wish to share recipes from our village, and this is how Kumwitu Kukaya was born. We have also taken the time to learn other Zambian traditional recipes we think you might enjoy. No matter where you are located, we will be able to bring you closer to home through food. Be proud of your heritage, be proud of your food, and lastly be proud of where you come from. So, share your food with others, and teach them about your culture through our traditional delicacies.


Kumwitu Kukaya




PO Box 36378

Lusaka, 10101, Zambia


Shipping Schedule


Click here for more information on shipping

© 2023 Kumwitu Kukaya by Thr33 Broke Girls Pa Zed.

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